Process File When Expression is Non-Zero:

This field is the boolean "Expression Evaluator", which is used to determine which files among those meeting the file mask, path, and filter criteria are ultimately processed by your script. The variables in this field are labeled E1, E2 ... En, where n is the number of search/replace strings in your script. Under the default OR expression (e.g., E1 OR E2) all files meeting the file mask, path, and filter criteria would be processed - If a search string makes a hit, that search (or replace) will occur. Other combinations of operators and variables in the expression allows you to process only certain files within the domain of possible files according to your path, file mask, and filter criteria. When the result of the expression is non-zero, a file will be processed.

The field may contain: a) the AND OR NOT < > <= >+ = != + - * / operators, b) E1, E2, E3,... En to denote the search & replace string pairs in the script, c) numeric values denoting the number of replacement opportunities for a variable (e.g., E2 >= 1), d) comparisons of the numeric values of the number of replacement opportunities (e.g., E1 AND (E2 != (E3))), and, e) arithmetic expressions on the values of the En variables (e.g., (E1 + E2) = (+5)).

Important Note: When making replacements the 'Process File When Expression is Non-Zero' comes into play after all search hits have been accumulated. When making replacements you will receive replace confirmations (if replace confirmations are enabled) for all places where a search hit exists for a given search expression even though the 'Process File When Expression is Non-Zero' field may rule out that replace once all the search hits are collected. Do not be alarmed! This is for debugging your search terms. When you are satisfied that your search terms are finding what they should find you must answer 'Replace This' or 'Replace All' to replacement prompts in order for 'Process File When Expression is Non-Zero' to be applied properly. The expression is based on 'replacement opportunities'. If you rule out a replacement opportunity by answering 'No' to a replace confirmation you may affect the final assessment by the 'Process File When Expression is Non-Zero' file. Please see Expression Evaluator and Replacement Prompts for more detail. Also see Expression Evaluator for details.